O no… it’s official…my blog’s followers are 75% female. I don’t mean that my blog is being followed by a bunch of She-males, just that 3 out of the four followers (Yeah that’s right up to four!) are female. I guess I didn’t realize that my blog would attract all the ladies.
Todays man blog quote is from John Wayne:
"Courage is being scared to death, and saddling up anyway"
This quote is a good transition into POWER WEEK, where I did three manly feats in a week period. (Also the only way I could try and deceive you that entering a hula-hoop contest is manly)
The first thing was the day before St. Patrick’s Day. No it wasn’t pounding a case of beer. I entered a bouldering competition put on by my university. It was pretty extreme and the turnout was bigger than I thought it was going to be. I entered the intermediate division and it turned out that I ended up winning, which was pretty gnarly because I didn’t do so hot last time.
Sunday morning I woke up bright and early, shaved my beard that grew overnight and prepared for the 1st annual indoor triathlon put on by my school. It was actually my first full triathlon I’ve ever done. Since I was a swimmer back in the day I had my share of swimming for a few tri teams. The triathlon consisted of 15 min of swimming, 30 min of biking and 30 min of running. Our distances were kept track of and weigh out for points because you can obviously bike much further than you could swim. I’m not used to running so I about puked all over the treadmill that was keeping track of my distance, actually I felt like puking the whole time just more than usual running. I ended up getting second in men’s division and one of my pals from our schools outdoor adventure club got first. (And yes there were more than 6 people)