Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Biking and Hiking

A few weeks back my first mistake was thinking it would be a good idea to bike through a forest. The trail, if you wanna call it that, was hardly the width of my handle bars. Luckily, I only slammed into one tree head on, also ate some dirt while trying to charge through a pile of logs. A week or so later I got another invite to go biking in the woods, this time some clown thought it would be a good idea to do it at night. So I grabbed my FisherPrice headlamp my mommy got me for Christmas and headed out. I might as well of had a candle, I crashed into a copious amount of trees. My shins were getting spanked by logs that stuck out onto the trail, it was a rough night. But I made it out of the trail alive with the bike still in one piece.

I also went on my first overnight hiking trip, it was actually a four day expedition in the mighty Porcupine mountains…well I thought they were pretty great. The first day of the trip it rained … and rained … and rained some more. But I thought there was no way mother nature could have any more water up in those clouds- I was wrong the second day we were also bombarded with an endless shower of water, I was convinced I was on a hiking trip planned by satan. That night, after gathering wet firewood in the freezing hurricane like winds, I was lying in my soggy sleeping bag, in the wet tent that was frequently caving in from the gusts of wind, freezing my buns off when I started to cheer up because I realized there is no way this trip could get much worse. The next morning was great, the wild winds had dried out all my wet gear and everyone was in a much better mood. Here I am looking over one of the cliffs

My favorite part of the trip was the last night we were there. It was about an hour before dark and we were camping in a low spot. I went off exploring by myself. I found a small cliff face that was probably too dangerous to climb with no one around, but that is what makes it fun. I made it half way up this cliff and stood on a ledge. Then all of a sudden… I felt it, an extreme urge to poop. Normally I am able to tame such desires, but this one was either coming out now or in my shorts (and I didn’t want to have poop in my shorts for the long car ride back. So I dropped trou on the side of that cliff and dropped a steamy one, I threw a big rock on top and called it good.
-Sorry about the lack of the Movember picture it will be posted eventually.

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