Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mantivities and Comment Response! 9/28/2010

First off, what is going on with my manly actives! We’ll today I took a poop that took two courtesy flushes to go down! That’s right and it wasn’t one of those sissy toilets, it was a power house dumper from school.
Secondly, I’ve noticed I’ve been getting a whole heap of hate mail/comments (actually just one not-so-hateful comment) from numerous followers. (Yeah…more like my only follower) Well to respond to that participating in climbing or mantivities doesn’t make you any less girly. And vice versa (to a certain extent so don’t go throw on a dress yet!), For example, I was cooking this weekend. We’ll kinda I made caramel apples with my sisters.

How can someone so manly participate in such unmanly actives?!? Well my friends cooking maybe considered unmanly, but being the best brother ever isn’t. And if cooking is unmanly then go eat a brick, because grilling is one of the manliest things on my list.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


            Many of you are probably reading these posts to learn how to become a true man. Well my dear friends, a true man doesn’t sit around reading some shmuck’s blog learning how to become a man (If you’re not a true man continue reading my posts, it’s better than nothing) instead they go do manly stuff. That’s exactly what my manly instincts told me to do when I went rock climbing not so many moons ago.

            Rock climbing is obviously one of the manliest things a dude can do. The art of rock climbing started when some guy said, “I really don’t want to take the long way up this cliff.” That man ended up dying minutes later, but his spirit lives on in other men. Those of you thinking, “Rock climbing is cool and everything, but what’s up with the lime green tie dye shirt?” All I have to say to that is shut up the green power ranger was a male and he was even cooler then the red ranger, demonstrated by this picture.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

MAN OF THE WEEK! Sept 22, 2010

That’s right round two! After careful consideration of everyone I know and hours of concentrated thought I finally picked this week’s MAN OF THE WEEK!

            This week’s MAN OF THE WEEK! Is my old chump Ben, or better known as Watsobe. You probably can’t tell from the picture but Ben is a 6’7’’ killing machine. When everyone told Ben to shave his mustache he came to me and asked if he should. My answer was obviously NO! From that day on he became legend. Someday I hope to grow a mustache even half as manly and glorious as Ben’s.  Ben expresses his manliness by rockin’ out on the drums, grooming his mustache, wearing expensive watches, and of course hooking up with the ladies. For prom he thought one date wasn’t enough so he decided he would bring two. I feel lucky Ben decided to share otherwise Ben would have taken every girl in the school to prom. So congratulations Ben on receiving this week’s MAN OF THE WEEK!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mantivities 9/20/2010

                This week was another action pack week full of manly activities or should I say MANTIVITES! I wished I was the first to come up with that word but someone beat me to it. But if it counts for anything I would have made it up if they didn’t. First off, to get the week started right I left St. Cloud to hang with my pals in Minneapolis. Then I got word that a mad game of capture the flag was going down. So I tucked my shirt in so I could get all-out air resistance and hiked up my shorts to get maximum mobility in my legs and it was on.

             We ended up with a tie 2-2 with the other team. No lie we would have probably won but some crazy girl who thought she was a mom called me out by saying I got tagged. I did the manly thing and didn’t get in an argument, but as soon as she turned around I made plenty of obscene jesters so in a way our team won.

          And I bet to some of the men who read this (who am I kidding I have one follower who is female…) you may think, “Jee Ross you sure do have your shorts hiked up high.” There are several reasons for this; besides mobility this does attract the ladies. Because it was hard to unleash the chest hair with that shirt on there isn’t a lot the ladies can fall for except, of course, the man-thighs. This is men's secret weapon against women handed down by the gods themselves. This also gives men without chest hair something to show off. WARNING: For the beginner who can't wait to display their man-thigh, I ask you not to jump into the first pair of cut off jean shorts (Jorts) you find unless you wanna get hurt. You need to learn to walk before you can run big shooter.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Man of the Week Sept 16,2010

      Today my friend is a very special day. Your probably thinking to yourself "Ross today is a Thursday and you probably have been doing homework all day, how could it be special?"  That is true, I've literally have been going to class and doing homework all day and have had little time for manly activities. That is exactly why it is time to take the spotlight off me and onto this week's MAN OF THE WEEK!!!

This week’s MAN OF THE WEEK!!! is no other than my good friend Grant. Grant enjoys lifting way to much weight, skiing without skis (it doesn’t make sense to me either), charming beautiful women, serenading beautiful women with his handsome voice (I would say beautiful voice but it has a masculine beauty to it), eating steak for breakfast, and driving his Camaro. You may notice that Grant’s shirt is buttoned down to expose his manly chest hair, this is key. The only mistake here is he should have gone one button lower. This picture was taken during a dance to prove my point that dancing is very manly. Congratulations Grant on being All That is Man’s first MAN OF THE WEEK!!! As far as I know Grant will be the MAN OF THE MONTH!!! unless someone else steps up! (I can’t vote for myself so someone please step up or Grant will be end up being MAN OF THE DECADE!!!)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'ma Cool Cat

        First up what is the “All That is Man” blog about. Oh! I’ll tell you friends, it is going to be a record of all the manly stuff I do such as chopping down trees, fighting bears, growing hair on my chest, peeing while standing up (ok maybe I won’t mention every time I pee), and many other manly activities. This is also designed to help you learn and make manly choices in your life style. So let the journey begin!
Wednesday I had my first session with the Cool Cats Swing Dance Club. You may ask, “But Ross dancing isn’t manly.”  Oh, but it is! Dare I say the most masculine thing a man can do? Probably not, but I assure you it’s up there. My first day of practice and I danced with three ladies (how many have you danced with today?). I found the club through my schools web site because I didn’t see their booth when all the club booths were set up around campus. It took me awhile to locate where the practice was at. I’ve already learned three dance moves and perfected them though out the hour I practiced. Next practice is Sept 22nd if any ladies are interested in dancing.