Thursday, September 16, 2010

Man of the Week Sept 16,2010

      Today my friend is a very special day. Your probably thinking to yourself "Ross today is a Thursday and you probably have been doing homework all day, how could it be special?"  That is true, I've literally have been going to class and doing homework all day and have had little time for manly activities. That is exactly why it is time to take the spotlight off me and onto this week's MAN OF THE WEEK!!!

This week’s MAN OF THE WEEK!!! is no other than my good friend Grant. Grant enjoys lifting way to much weight, skiing without skis (it doesn’t make sense to me either), charming beautiful women, serenading beautiful women with his handsome voice (I would say beautiful voice but it has a masculine beauty to it), eating steak for breakfast, and driving his Camaro. You may notice that Grant’s shirt is buttoned down to expose his manly chest hair, this is key. The only mistake here is he should have gone one button lower. This picture was taken during a dance to prove my point that dancing is very manly. Congratulations Grant on being All That is Man’s first MAN OF THE WEEK!!! As far as I know Grant will be the MAN OF THE MONTH!!! unless someone else steps up! (I can’t vote for myself so someone please step up or Grant will be end up being MAN OF THE DECADE!!!)

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