Thursday, September 23, 2010


            Many of you are probably reading these posts to learn how to become a true man. Well my dear friends, a true man doesn’t sit around reading some shmuck’s blog learning how to become a man (If you’re not a true man continue reading my posts, it’s better than nothing) instead they go do manly stuff. That’s exactly what my manly instincts told me to do when I went rock climbing not so many moons ago.

            Rock climbing is obviously one of the manliest things a dude can do. The art of rock climbing started when some guy said, “I really don’t want to take the long way up this cliff.” That man ended up dying minutes later, but his spirit lives on in other men. Those of you thinking, “Rock climbing is cool and everything, but what’s up with the lime green tie dye shirt?” All I have to say to that is shut up the green power ranger was a male and he was even cooler then the red ranger, demonstrated by this picture.

1 comment:

  1. Question...
    what happens when women rock climb? Is it considered a mantivity still? Are we considered manly then? Or what's a woman's place when they participate in what you call manly activities?
